Newest developments around the InnHub La Punt

Planning for the large-scale InnHub La Punt project has progressed further in recent months and we expect to receive the building permit in the next weeks. In the background, many exciting developments are underway.

Two objections have been filed against our building permit application. However, solutions have already been found for the concerns of the two objectors. In the meantime, La Punt Chamues-ch has also been chosen as the "Village of the Year 2021" - to which the open, innovative spirit of the village has probably also contributed, which has been shaped by our project and gives the village a further boost.

The team around the InnHub continues to grow. Recently, the future managing director signed her employment contract and will take over the operational management of the operating company next summer. We will introduce her in the next newsletter! Likewise, we were able to engage Urs Simeon from Fanzun AG as the building owner's representative. He supports us with his expertise in the detailed planning and implementation of the construction project.

The InnHub La Punt AG investor team, which has meanwhile expanded to include a further partner, was recently on a team retreat and used the time to further sharpen the vision and business model and to work out next steps.

*Header Image: Model of the planned InnHub La Punt in the community center of La Punt Chamues-ch