Milestone Building Application

InnHub La Punt Aug. 03, 2021

The realization of the InnHub La Punt is making exciting progress. This spring, the building application was submitted, the profiles have been set up on the site, and the process of obtaining the building permit is underway.

The last few months have brought many exciting developments for the InnHub La Punt. Co-initiator Jon Erni went through a signature-marathon needed to submit the building application. Now the profiles have been marked out and the future site of the InnHub La Punt is worth a visit! The dimensions of the future innovation and collaboration hub can already be guessed at.

In the next newsletter, we will share more exciting developments with you and thank you for joining us on our journey to realize the vision of the InnHub La Punt. Subscribe now


Andrina Brunner, Head of InnHub PopUp und New Projects at miaEngiadina

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